The environment both indoors and outdoors is set up to enable children to find, use and replace equipment and move freely between activities. Once at an activity space and resources are skilfully presented to the children to promote exploration and encourage profound thought.
The areas are carefully arranged within the space to limit interruption from movement and noise as other children make choices around them, this supports the level of engagement and involvement in what they are pursuing. Extra props and tools are frequently added as children communicate their ideas and fascinations, allowing the journey of discovery that they are on to continue at a much deeper level.
The equipment is organised in specific groupings according to type to assist children in purposeful play. All equipment is regularly checked to ensure it is fit for use for example jigsaws have all their pieces to avoid failure or disappointment when in use. Each space within and out of the classroom promotes different areas of learning some very specifically and others are integrated across all the spaces.
The space is assessed weekly to ensure it is meeting the needs of the children who attend and alterations and enhancements are made in order to be effective in inspiring children to interact with it.
The decor has been chosen to bring calm to the learning environment, there is a balance between natural equipment and bolder brighter colours which promotes a relaxed atmosphere where children are free to fully absorb themselves in activity with limited distraction.
The outdoor environment is currently under development and will mirror the opportunities the indoor environment offers. Children are able to move equipment and resources where practical between the two spaces. This allows for further opportunities for children to test their ideas and experiment.
In addition to the pre school spaces the children have access to the most wonderful natural environment, the forest gives us the ideal space to pursue a Forest School programme and promote outdoor learning. The orchard is an ideal space to discuss growth and healthy lifestyles.
The outdoor classroom offers us the chance to carefully observe the world around us as we change seasons, the wildlife, plants and weather that occurs through the year. There is also an expanse of large open space where the children can run freely and safely without limit setting their spirits free.